Bestow Garlic Aioli

Bestow Garlic Aioli

Bestow Garlic Aioli 🧄 Aioli is one of our favourite condiments. Ingredients: 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, soaked for at least one hour 1 garlic clove Juice and zest of one lemon 3 tablespoons of olive oil 1 tablespoon of Bestow Beauty Plus Oil 1/4 cup of water Small handful capers, drained and roughly chopped 1/3 cup fresh chives, chopped Himalayan or sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Process the soaked sunflower seeds, garlic, lemon juice, and oil with a stick blender. Add the water, pulse, and add more water if the mayo is too thick. Add the capers, chives, and lemon zest, and stir to combine. Season well with salt and pepper. Exchange the chives for dill, parsley or basil for a different flavour. Makes half a jar, stores for 2 days in the fridge.
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