What can you do to improve IBS?

What can you do to improve IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS can be a complex problem to treat. Signs and symptoms can include abdominal pain or cramping, bloating, gas, and diarrhoea or constipation, or both. IBS is a very individual condition and the solutions can vary considerably. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for the next. So, it is important to listen to your body and figure out what helps and what hinders you. A food/symptom diary can help you identify what works for you. There has been quite a lot of success recently with people with IBS following the FODMAP diet, which eliminates a lot of high-fibre, gas-producing foods. However, this dietary programme is only recommended for a limited period of time because it does not provide enough fibre to support the populations of good bacteria in the bowel for the long term. So at some point, higher-fibre food needs to be slowly introduced. If your IBS is only mild, you could try very slowly introducing Bestow Gut Love + to see if this will help. This product can improve the bowel health of those suffering from bowel motions that are either too loose or not loose enough and we get a lot of reports from people it has helped hugely. Start with a small amount of Bestow Gut Love +, say half a level teaspoon mixed into fluid and notice how your body tolerates it. Consider buying a few samples so you can test how your body responds without committing to purchasing the full-sized product.
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